Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I love summer, but...

I am so looking forward to fall here in the inferno we call home. In terms of weather, fall really starts in October in Houston, so we have a couple more months of sweating around here. The good news is that school starts next week for Miranda (yay!) and the first week of September for Mitchell. We have had a great time this summer with Miranda's various camps, vacation bible school, our massive road trip and simple things like setting up lemonade stands and hanging out with good friends. But it is time to get back into the normal routine of things. Miranda is itching to go back to school and can't wait to see all her friends. She'll be in first grade this year and is growing up so fast. She actually has her first slumber party this weekend! Here's hoping we won't be getting any late night calls from the host.

Mitch is definitely acting like a two-year-old these days. "No" is his favorite word. He keeps me hopping, and laughing too. His latest obsession is the Cyberchase rocket we saw at the Children's Museum last week and of course, Nemo from Finding Nemo. He saw a clownfish at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago and is now obsessed with them.

As for me, I'm looking forward to doing some more work now that the kids will be out of my hair for awhile. Just me and my computer and my coffee (or Diet Coke). Heaven.


  1. Still trying to figure out how to place photos better and put captions under them. Any suggestions?

  2. Wish I could help you, but I don't even know how to post pictures with borders like you did. haha
    I can't wait to hear about Miranda's first day of school!

  3. And I don't know how I put those borders in! I think it is just the template that does that. Guess it would help if I read the directions on Blogger. Nah, that would be too easy!

    Your pictures are precious BTW. Such a photogenic family!
